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Survey: impact of COVID-19 on migrant communities

Belong Aotearoa is reaching out to invite you to take part in our research on the impact of COVID-19 on migrant communities in New Zealand.

We would appreciate if you could spend a few minutes answering this online questionnaire. Results of the survey will be used towards developing and encouraging ways by which migrant communities can be supported and participate as partners in NZ recovery and growth during and post-pandemic.

As a token of appreciation, all respondents will be entered into a grocery voucher prize draw. 10 participants will be selected to receive a $50 grocery voucher each. 

The online questionnaire will be open for responses until 30 September 2020. We would also appreciate if you could share this link widely to your contacts:

For queries, please contact You may also visit our website for more information about our initiatives.

Ngā Mihi Nui

Belong Aotearoa


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